Katrangan Product Detailed
Nomer Model: | KJG-1530DT-1000W AKUN | Range Range: | 1500x3000mm |
Jenis Laser: | Serat Raycus China YLS-1000w | Pandhuan Linear: | Taiwan HIWIN |
Sistem sing didhukung Tabel: | Sistem Motor & Memandu Yaskawa Servo Jepang | Kata kunci: | Fiber CNC Laser Tube Cutting Machine |
1000W Fiber CNC Laser Tube Cutting Machine for Metal Sheet of Stainless steel 4mm
Katrangan Product
Accurl@ Fiber Lasers nggawa sampeyan biaya sing efektif, pangopènan sing murah, biaya operasi sing murah, solusi sing ramah lingkungan kanggo organisasi sampeyan. We ngirim mesin sing nyedhiyani nglereni kualitas lan toleransi karo mundhut produktivitas cilik antarane proyek, equating kanggo investasi returnon luwih. Mesin pemotong laser serat kita dikembangake lan didol adhedhasar kritéria kasebut.
1. Manufactured by people who use their own machines.
2. The resonator comes with a 100,000 hour warranty from the manufacturer (IPG)
3. Higher cutting speeds possible
4. Dual interchangeable tables allow for faster loading and unloading, reducing downtime
5. Laser wavelength is one-tenth of a CO2 laser
6. Reduction in cutting variables or tribal knowledge
7. Fiber Laser is extremely efficient, equates to very low power consumption
8. Low cost of operation, energy cost reduced, no laser gases requied to produce beam
9. High cutting flexibility (Steel, Stainless Steel, Brass, Copper, Titanium, Aluminum, and more)
Fitur Utama
Laser ACCURL @ Serat nggawa biaya sing efektif, perawatan murah, biaya operasi murah lan solusi sing ramah lingkungan ing organisasi sampeyan. Mesin laser provideber nyedhiyakake nglereni kualitas lan toleransi kanthi kerugian produktivitas paling sithik antarane proyek, sing padha karo investasi sing luwih dhuwur.
1. Kecepatan nyepetake: 19,6 m / s2 (2G).
2. Kecepatan posisi kanthi maksimal: 160m / min.
3. presisi: + - 0,05 mm.
4. efisiensi energi: konsumsi tenaga akeh banget.
5. Kualitas nglereni sing apik banget kanggo logam lembaran thic sing apik lan logam lembar kekandelan medium.
6. Resonator IPG. Output daya saka 1 kw nganti 6 kw.
7. Precitec light cutter cutting head with po wer output up to 2kw.
8. Precitec HP cutting head for po wer output of more than 2kw.
9. Fully enclosed and cabinned to ensur e máximum operator protection.
10. Effective high to low pressure gas exchange system.
11. Capacitative Sensor, high pressure cutting head.
12. TCI Cutting parameter tables.
13. Pre-cut film protector.
14. Automatic mechanized Nesting power output control function (edges, start-ups).
15. Automatic time and unit cost calculation function.
1. 3 Axis (X, Y, Z)
2. unit kontrol FAGOR 8055 CNC
3. motor Servo
4. Otomatis - sirah nglereni fokus
5. Sumber Laser
6. Unit Chiller
7. Sistem udara sing garing
8. Kabinet Keamanan
9. Otomatis-Dual Shuttle Tabel
10. Piranti Lunak CAD/CAM
11. Konveyor
12. Lampu Warning
13. Nozzle Set
14. Reresik nozzle lan meja kalibrasi dhuwur
1. Teknologi motor linier
2. IPG 0.5 kW, 1 kW, 2 kW, 3 kW, 4 kW lan 6 pilihan sumber laser kW.
3. Unit Extraction.
4. alangan pangayoman cahya
More than 12 years experience for Hydraulic Press and 16 years for sheet metal machinery
1. Total Number of Employee : 455
2. Floor Area : 56,765m^2
3. New factory area : 61,321m^2
4. Whole factory is controlled by ERP-Enterprise Resource Plan
We are producing below ranges of machines
1. CNC Press Brake
2. CNC Laser Cutter (Fase Validation)
3. CNC Punch Press (Fasa Validasi)
4. CNC Shears
5. Pencet Hidrolik
6. Pipo & Roller Bender
7. Pegawe Wesi
8. Baris Produksi otomatis
Aplikasi Product
1. Applicable Fields
Applicable for high-speed cutting on various metal plates or tubes such as S/S, carbon steel, galvanized sheet,electrolytic plate, aluminum plate, steel, brass, alloy plate, rare metals and other materials;
2. Widely used
Digunakake kanthi akeh ing peralatan pawon, kothak kontrol listrik, piranti sing dhuwur, peralatan mekanik, peralatan listrik, lampu, poster, bagian otomatis, peralatan tampilan, perangkat keras lan pangolahan logam.
Model | KJG-1530 / IPG 1000w | |
Kapasitas nglereni maksim | Baja polos | 10mm |
Baja stainless | 4mm | |
Aluminyum | 3mm | |
Tembaga | 2mm | |
Daya Laser | YLR-1000Watt | |
Kacepetan max sing mlaku | 40 / min | |
Ukuran potongan kerja | 1500 x 3000mm | |
Sintingan cepet (X lan Y sumbu) | 105 m / min | |
Nyepetake | 1.2G (12m / s2) | |
Akurasi posisi Absolute | ± 0,03 mm | |
Max. kapasitas mbukak | 1550 kg | |
Extractor jamur | 1000 m3 / jam | |
Kepala Laser | RayTools BM110 saka Swiss | |
Tingkat feed | Programmable nganti 30 m / min. | |
Bahan Terapan | Baja tipis tipis, Stainless steel, Aluminium, Tembaga piring |