Katrangan Product Detailed
Nomer Model: | GSII-PS2028-PMAX-105A | Daya Plasma: | Hypertherm Powermax105 USA |
Jenis Gantry: | Tabel | Wilayah Motong sing efektif (Length): | 2200 X 28800mm |
Transverse Effective Cutting: | 800 Shorter Than Track Span | Kata kunci: | CNC Flame Plasma Cutting Machine |
Accurl brand portable cnc flame/plasma cutting machine from China 2200 x 28800mm
Pambuka ringkes
Mesin pemotong api ACCURL CNC dirancang khusus kanggo nglereni piring logam, ditondoi kanthi otomatisasi lan efisiensi, operasi gampang lan wektu layanan dawa. Plasma CNC lan mesin nglereni api kasebut minangka struktur gantri kanthi sistem sing didorong nganggo dobel, ukuran kerja bisa disesuaikan kanthi syarat. Sampeyan bisa digunakake kanggo nglereni baja karbon, stainless steel lan logam non-ferrous ing grafis 2d, mula digunakake ing lapangan pemotong logam
Hosting roda garis panjang sing diimpor pandhuan linear sumbu dual, transmisi horisontal kanthi ekstraksi lan komponen aluminium presisi, stabilitas transmisi, akurasi sing dhuwur Bisa ngilangi angka pesawat sing kompleks kanggo motong api genifuel lan mesin pemotong plasma, gratis kanggo mindhah, ora akun saka lokasi tetep. Digunakake kanthi umum ing otomotif, konstruksi kapal, petrokimia, boiler lan kapal tekanan, mesin rekayasa, mesin ringan lan industri liyane, utamane kanggo permukaan kontur lan produksi massa.
1. Steel hollow beam design ensures good heat dissipation without deformation.
2. The gear-rack driving motions without engagement gap ensure the machine running smooth at high speed.
3. Fully functionalized CNC system and optocoupler device enhance the super anti-jamming capability of the plasma system.
4. World’s top branded components and circuits ensure long service life.
5. Multiple cutting torches can be configured. Both flame and plasma torches are optional to meet the needs of cutting different materials in a range of thickness.
1. Gawe katup decompression gas lan tolok tekanan.Kanggo priksa kabeh tekanan mesin.
2. Atur alur tugas berat U71 kanthi mesin apik.
3. Miturut kebutuhan pangguna, ngumpul obor siji sulit CNC, obor juru serap daya, unit stamping, obor mekanik plasma utawa linear
obor nglereni telung, lan uga pas karo sensor elektronik lan pengontrol dhuwur otomatis.
4. Kanggo mesthekake balok ora bakal cacat, dirancang ing struktur kothak sing dilas, tempered kanggo ngilangi stres mekanik, lan banjur diproses kanthi mesin presisi.Ia duwe kekuatan mekanik sing dhuwur lan kaku sing apik. , roda gear lan roda gear kanthi kualitas baja sing dhuwur dipasang ing sisih ndhuwur beam.Mulane, akurasi gerakan latcral bisa dijamin. Trek transversal diluncurake ing balok kanggo penak lan imbuhan.
5. Digunakake ing panularan kabel tracheal obor ngontrol angka, bisa terus-terusan tanpa ngasilake kekesalan mekanik.
6. Kanggo nggayuh gerakan sinkron saka piring loro kanthi jalur baja.
1. High stability and one-time cutting shape process.
2. Adopt new technology for free of maintenance supporting no lubrication, exempt from dust
3. Use South Korea’s Samsung industrial level low power core to control the power consumption below 1500W to be environmental protection and energy saving
4. The machine apply HONGYUDA series arc voltage automatic height adjusting device to ensure the advantage or free of maintenance , high precision in height level control and also the reliability of the product. The machine has equipped with POWERMAX 105 plasma cutting electronic power, good in cutting effect, long life in consumptive components and material to prevent the worry for the exchange for the electrode cutting nozzle.
5. Customer-tailored service for the equipment in demand for example alternative for full step drive type or combination drive machine. And also can choose single fire, single plasma or combination with fire and plasma cutting etc.
6. Optional for wireless remote control function to easily control any emergency when the operator is far away from the machine, can control the start, stop, rise, down, forward or backward within 100M.
Gambar sing rinci
1. Bagéan Mesin
Jeneng: sistem nglereni layar warna 7-inci CNC
Asli: China
Tampilan: Résolusi dhuwur 7 inci 800 * 480 16000000 warna layar LCD padhange dhuwur
Memori: 64M SDRAM
Program ruang pangguna: 256M
Frekuensi jam sistem 400MHZ
USB: USB 1: 1interface ngarep
Keyboard: keyboard film PCB elektronik utawa keyboard industri standar
Kasus: kabeh struktur baja kanthi tameng, bisa nggayuh radiasi magnetik anti-elektron, anti statis, anti-gangguan.
2. Fitur Utama
Jeneng: Rel baja integral aluminium
Merek: CHD
Asli: China
Rel baja aluminium sing ndadekake mesin luwih entheng lan kurang biaya.
Dawa nglereni kanthi efektif nganti 11500MM.
3. Machine Parts
Name: Automatic lifting torch
Asli: China
4. Main Features
Name: Plasma torch function interface
Merek: CHD
Asli: China
Reserved plasma cutting function interface, support for plasma cutting.
Spesifikasi teknis
Ketik | ACCURL PS - 2028 |
Jeneng Produk | CNC Flame Plasma Cutting Machine |
Tabel nglereni | 2200 x 28800 mm |
Jembar Mesin | 4250 min-1 |
Mesin Lenght | 30200 mm |
Dhuwur Mesin | 2200 mm |
Dhuwur Tabel | 750 mm |
Jembar Tabel | 2200 mm |
Tabel Lenght | 27200 mm |
X Axis Stroke | 2800 mm |
Y Axis Stroke | 28200 mm |
Bobot | 25000 kg |