Katrangan Product Detailed
Nomer Model: | ACCURL-1515L Mesin Motong Jet CNC | Wilayah Motong sing efektif (Length): | 1500mm |
Wilayah Motong sing efektif (jembar): | 1500mm | Total Electric Power: | 38KW |
Main Motor: | Main Motor From Germany Siemens | Kata kunci: | Small Water Jet Cutting Machine |
Small water Jet cutting machine for metal and marble good service in China
A high pressure water jet cutting machine is a tool which slices into metal and other materials, using a jet of water at high velocity and pressure. With the benefits of low noise, no pollution, high precision, and good reliability, our water jet cutting machine has found many applications in a variety of industries from mining, automobile, paper, and food, to art and architecture, where it is used to cut rubber, foam, plastic, composite, stone, tile, metal, marble, glass, etc.
Pemotongan Waterjet Sampurna:
Mesin machining ACCURL® bisa digayuh kanthi meksa banyu akeh ing tekanan sing dhuwur liwat orifice cilik ing muncung pemotong. Udakara banyu sing nyepetake ninggalake nozzle ngetrapake materi lan miwiti proses pemotongan. Kerf saka aliran banyu sing nyepetake banget sempit. Tekanan iki banjur klempakan ing area cilik ing materi sing wiwit njeblug materi kasebut. Bahan padu bisa dipotong kanthi tekanan banyu. Bahan sing luwih angel mbutuhake panggunaan sistem feed abrasive, kayata nglereni logam. Abrasive dikenalake menyang aliran banyu tekanan tinggi, sing banjur wiwit erosi bahan-bahan sing luwih angel. Sanajan pemesinan waterjet minangka proses sing paling alon, nanging ana kaluwihan sing pasti luwih gedhe:
1. Ora ana Zona sing kena pengaruh Panas
2. Ora Tekanan Mesin
3. Banget Panah Kerf
4. No need for Secondary Operations
Fitur Utama
1. Bisa nransfer gambar kanggo nglereni kanthi cepet
2. Posisi cepet-sawetara utawa sawetara peralatan mbenakake
3. Hing akurasi-ngurangi recutting
4. Kacepetan nglereni luwih cepet
5. Ora perlu pabrikan kanggo bagean kerja
6. Luwih aman kanggo operator lan kahanan osteam, bledug, smog etc
7. Kelangan nglereni-ora panas bakal prouduced
8. Clear Processing, ing ora perlu mbusak bagean apa maneh
9. Good nglereni rampung-ing ora perlu saka trimina nglereni rampung maneh
10. Celah nglereni sempit
11. Kalibrasi cepet lan cara versatility luwih gampang nglereni. Wis dibuktekake manawa bisa digunakake ing produksi massal ing sistem becik
12. Pas kanggo piranti lunak CAD / CAW
13. Waterjet cutting machine can cut almost all the materials.It can cut the foilat the thickness of 200mm
Sistem Hp: WJPOWER-420 420 (Konfigurasi sing diimpor kanthi Rampung)
Max.Pressure: 420Mpa
Max.Flowrate: 3.7L / min
Daya Listrik: 37KW / 50HP
Tegangan: 220V ~ 480V / 50,60HZ.3PH
Majelis intensifier wis diimpor saka Accustream / Hipertherm
Layanan Kita
Layanan Pra-Penjualan
1.Technical solution.
2. Online mesin bukti asli video.
3. Cutting samples provided by DHL.
Layanan Penjualan Sawise
1. Supplier will provide detail manual for software, hardware and trouble shooting, also supplier should give necessary
guidance online if Buyer need. If it’s necessary, Buyer should send regular his technical staff to Supplier for technical training.
1. Machine Frame
The MAX series features a body with electric components built securely into the body of the machine.
This unique monoblock design allows for simple installation and the flexibility for the system to be relocated to a multitude of locations.
2. Servo Drive & Motor
Motor servo sing diimpor (sumbu Y sing didorong dening rong motor servo) bebarengan karo reducer planet sing canggih njamin drive sing mantep, akurat lan dipercaya.
3. Ball Screw with Rotary Nut
Ngawut-awut werni presisi nduweni linuwih lan bisa diulang sing nambah kinerja lan akurasi.
4. Cutting Heads USA Hypertherm
The IDE head is a single, easy to use piece. The single cuttinghead piece consists of a body, diamond orifice, and mixing chamber. It has a 90 degree inlet that keeps abrasive from building up at the head. It has a flat seal even to the nozzle tube which eliminates risk of breaking the orifice. It is very useful for companies with multiple waterjet operators.
Model | accurl-2010L | ||
meja kerja | mm | 2000 x 1000 | |
Sumbu X-s | stroke | 2000 | 2000 |
Kacepetan | 0~15 | 0~15 | |
Y-sumbu | stroke | 1000 | 1000 |
Kacepetan | 0~15 | 0~15 | |
Z-sumbu | stroke | 150-180 | 150-180 |
Kacepetan | 0~12 | 0~12 | |
Akurasi kontrol | mm | ± 0,01 | |
Posisi akurasi | mm | ± 0,02 | |
Sistem Tekanan Dhuwur | Tekanan maksimal | 380 | 380 |
Kuwasa | 37 (50HP) | 37 (50HP) | |
Kekuwatan listrik total | KW | 38 | |
Tabel maksimal meja | Kg | 1000 | |
Format didhukung | AI, PLT, DXF, lsp | ||
Bobot mesin | Kg | 4350 | |
Ukuran njaba | mm | 4050x2250x1850 | |
Jeneng Produk | Small Water Jet Cutting Machine |