tabung pipa logam mesin nglereni serat laser cnc otomatis kanthi efisiensi dhuwur digawe ing China

mesin nglereni tabung otomatis

Features of Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

1.Motong kualitas dhuwur: Diadopsi Swiss RAYTOOLS kepala nglereni laser profesional, kanggo mesthekake asil nglereni paling apik.

2.Sumber laser serat: diadopsi sumber laser Maxphotonics, yaiku merek domestik pisanan saka sumber laser daya medium sing stabil lan dipercaya, nduweni kinerja sing apik;

3. Gampang kanggo operate: Diadopsi teknologi anjog donya EtherCAT bus USA cnc sistem nglereni laser, gampang banget kanggo operate;

4.Open struktur gantry: Diadopsi struktur gantry bridge, diimpor rak drive alur, lan nggunakake piranti lubrication terpusat, gampang kanggo njaga;

5.Stable lan praktis: Adopted dikiataken gandheng amben, sawise perawatan tempering lan geter tuwa kanggo ngilangke kaku, supaya alat mesin ewah-ewahan bentuk bisa kontrol ing ± 0.02mm;

6. Desain tampilan estetis industri: Beam digawe kanthi kerajinan gambar lan pangolahan panggilingan sing apik, nduweni bobot entheng, kaku dhuwur lan kinerja dinamis sing apik;

7. Efisiensi dhuwur lan bahan hemat: Path optik kabeh mesin ditularake dening serat optik, Path optik eksternal yaiku pangopènan gratis, konsumsi sing sithik.

Industri aplikasi

Ditrapake ing pangolahan lembaran logam, penerbangan, aeroangkasa, elektronik, peralatan listrik, fitting tabung, mobil, mesin pangan, mesin tekstil, mesin teknik, bagean tliti, kapal, peralatan metalurgi, elevator, peralatan rumah tangga, pangolahan logam lembaran, peralatan pawon lan peralatan. , hadiah kerajinan, pangolahan alat, dekorasi, pariwara, pangolahan logam lan industri manufaktur liyane.



1. Who are we?
A: We are a professional laser company who manufactures sales and services for laser and automation devices. We adopt the newest technology from overseas, integrated the strong technical and process application.

2. What’s kind of machine will you provide?
A: We have different type laser machine: laser marking machine series, laser cutting machine series, laser welding machine series. For the laser marking machine, we can provide CO2 laser marking, Fiber laser marking, UV laser marking, Green laser marking and Semiconductor laser marking.

3. Your laser marking machine can meet CE requirements?
A: Our laser marking machines are with the certificate of CE.

4. Can you print my picture or logo on the machine cover?
A: Yes, OEM is available. We can print your picture or logo on the machine case when we have your authorization.

5. Can we change the shape based on the original?
A: Yes, our product can be customer-made according to your requirement.

6. What’s kind of guarantee you give?
A: For the laser machine our warranty time is 1year. During the free warranty, customer normal use of the device of this contract caused by equipment failure and damage for free maintenance warranty.

Rincian cepet

Aplikasi: Motong Laser
Kondisi: Anyar
Jenis Laser: Serat laser
Applicable Material: Metal, Wood
Nglereni kekandelan: 0-10mm
Wilayah Nglereni: 1500 * 3000mm
Kacepetan Motong: 0-60000mm / min
CNC utawa Ora: Ya
Mode Kelangan: Pengering banyu
Piranti Lunak: Cypcut
Format Grafis Didhukung: AI, BMP, DST, DWG, DXF, DXP, LAS, PLT
Panggonan Asal: Anhui, China (Mainland)
Jeneng merek: ACCURL
Certification:CE, CE
Layanan sawise adol sing diwenehake: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo mesin layanan ing luar negeri
Laser power:1000W
Function:Metal sheet, pipe and tube cutting
Gelombang laser: 1070-1080nm
Power supply: 380V 50/60Hz
Color: orange-black
Sumber Laser: Maxphotonics
Waranti: 1 Taun
Max. diameter of round pipes: 200mm
Max. Diameter of square pipes:150mm


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