Katrangan Product Detailed
Nomer Model: | GSII-PS4012-PMAX-105A | Daya Plasma: | Hypertherm Powermax105 USA |
Jenis Gantry: | Tabel | Wilayah Motong sing efektif (Length): | 4200 X 12800mm |
Kekalahan Motong Flaming: | 6-350 Mm | Nglereni Posisi Ketepatan: | ± 0.5mm / m |
No Of Torches: | Miturut Customers'requirement | Kata kunci: | Mesin Pemotong Sulam CNC |
4200 x 12800mm CNC Flame Cutting Machine for Stainless Steel Iron Plasma Cutter
Katrangan Product
Mesin nglereni / flame CNC
1. nglereni gas
2. mesin nglereni plazma, bisa ngilangi bentuk profil sing beda
Mesin pemotong / flame CNC séri AG yaiku gaya mesin sing anyar sing dirancang dening perusahaan Jinfeng kanthi pengalaman pirang-pirang taun ing ngrancang mesin nglereni. Dheweke duwe kaluwihan sing ayu, inersia cilik, kaku sing apik lan stabil stabil. Dheweke duwe jarak trek sing beda saka 3 nganti 7 meter. Sistem kontrol CNC ana ing pilihan pelanggan. Mesin seri iki duwe kinerja sing paling dhuwur lan regane paling murah, sing ditrapake akeh ing industri sing beda. Kanggo nglereni baja ringan ing struktur baja, konstruksi teknik lan bangunan kapal.
1. Jarak ril: 3 ~ 7 meter
2. Dawane ril: nglereni dawane efektif ditambah 2 meter
3. obor: Max. 4 obor
4. Pengontrol CNC: Fagor, Hipertherm, Burny
5. kekandelan nglereni kukul: 6-150mm
6. Kanggo nglereni gas
1. Steel hollow beam design ensures good heat dissipation without deformation.
2. The gear-rack driving motions without engagement gap ensure the machine running smooth at high speed.
3. Fully functionalized CNC system and optocoupler device enhance the super anti-jamming capability of the plasma system.
4. World’s top branded components and circuits ensure long service life.
5. Multiple cutting torches can be configured. Both flame and plasma torches are optional to meet the needs of cutting different materials in a range of thickness.
1. Pandu mandheg dawa lan transversal kabeh nggunakake gear lan rak tlut kanthi dhuwur. (Kelas 7 Precision) kanggo transmisi. Loro dawa lan transversal duwe kabeh ril panuntun liner sing diimpor saka Taiwan, China kanggo njamin stabilitas obah, tliti kanthi tliti, tahan lama lan panggunaan sing apik.
2. Reducer minangka reducer gear planet kanggo presisi kanthi obah lan uga keseimbangan.
3. Sistem drive iku saka drive Jepang servo Jepang sing diimpor kanthi mantep, gerakan transmisi kacepetan luwih cepet, wektu nyepetake.
Mesin pemotong plasma cnc Portable iki bisa ngethok baja ringan kanthi mateni geni, lan ngethok baja karbon dhuwur, stainless steel, aluminium, tembaga lan logam non ferrous liyane kanthi pemotongan Plasma; bisa ngonfigurasi kaya sing dibutuhake., saengga digunakake kanthi wiyar ing industri kayata mesin, mobil, pengembangan kapal, petro-kimia, industri perang, metalurgi, aeroangkasa, boiler lan kapal tekanan, lokomotif etc.
Cocog kanggo pangolahan lembar, nggawe tembung, lan sapiturute, lan peralatan pariwara liyane (mesin ngecor vakum, mesin ukiran, mesin slot, lan sapiturute,) pembentukan garis pangolahan tembung pariwara. Welasan kaping luwih dhuwur tinimbang efisiensi pangolahan kriya tradisional.
1. High stability and one-time cutting shape process.
2. Adopt new technology for free of maintenance supporting no lubrication, exempt from dust
3. Use South Korea’s Samsung industrial level low power core to control the power consumption below 1500W to be environmental protection and energy saving
4. The machine apply HONGYUDA series arc voltage automatic height adjusting device to ensure the advantage or free of maintenance , high precision in height level control and also the reliability of the product. The machine has equipped with POWERMAX 105 plasma cutting electronic power, good in cutting effect, long life in consumptive components and material to prevent the worry for the exchange for the electrode cutting nozzle.
5. Customer-tailored service for the equipment in demand for example alternative for full step drive type or combination drive machine. And also can choose single fire, single plasma or combination with fire and plasma cutting etc.
6. Optional for wireless remote control function to easily control any emergency when the operator is far away from the machine, can control the start, stop, rise, down, forward or backward within 100M.
Ketik | ACCURL PS - 4012 |
Jeneng Produk | Mesin Pemotong Sulam CNC |
Tabel nglereni | 4200 x12800 mm |
Jembar Mesin | 6250 min-1 |
Mesin Lenght | 14200 mm |
Dhuwur Mesin | 2200 mm |
Dhuwur Tabel | 750 mm |
Jembar Tabel | 4200 mm |
Tabel Lenght | 11200 mm |
X Axis Stroke | 4800 mm |
Y Axis Stroke | 10200 mm |
Bobot | 17000 kg |